in which you may have vague memories of vague horrors at a vague conference, you hear some twinkling on the wind, The Festival of Innovation and the Festival of Quiet Evils are recapped, preparations are made for the Celebration of Self Love and Evil Con, we polish the many, many trophies here at Kakos Industries, […]
in which you take a great trip, the water festival disappoints yet again, preparations are made to go big and go small, the Division of Sexual Experimentation has some news, Hell is about to get more uncomfortable, you sip on a DarkMega GuzzleThumper, and Sammy Sea “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Transcription:
in which the Darkest Universe is achieved, the Festival of Steam is recapped, preparations are made for the Water Festival, the Festival of Earth, and the Nudity Festival, Hell turns people in usable fuel, the Division of Erotic Experiences improves their desire-enhancers, and Zine Xeans Machine has “won” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Transcription: