
82 – Keys

Featuring Kristen DiMercurio in which we put a lot of keys in locks know-what-I’m-sayin’, The Shareholders’ Ball is recapped, preparations are made to hand out greeting cards, the Tabithas change their attitude, Hell discovers a new black hole, hush money is paid, we all try not to visualize “flesh ooze”, and Ruby Queen of the […]


81 – Rural

Featuring Kristen DiMercurio. in which the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire, or will be shortly, Corin learns to appreciate the simpler things, you have your genes mixed up, the lights go out, preparations are made for The Shareholders’ Ball and some sort of chili cook off,Hell gets back to normal, and A. […]


80 – Dorothea

Featuring Kristen DiMercurio! in which you see some pretty lights, you get angry at the angry, you may have laid an egg, you prepare to get your genes all mixed up, more strangeness at the Division of Erotic Experiences, we may have created a black hole, and Brit Brit Britney Brit “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. […]