CS43 – Junior, Brawl Details, Live Show

Hello, Kakos Industries shareholders. My name is Conrad Miszuk, and if you believe the cover story, then I am the creator of Kakos Industries. If you don’t believe the cover story, then I have been hanging around Kakos Industries trying to meet women for years, and the company just got used to my presence.
There is another episode of Junior’s podcast over at the Patreon. KakosIndustries.com/Patreon. While you’re there, consider pledging a little bit to keep this endeavor going.
We have finalized the rules for the Shareholders’ Brawl as well. If you have pledged up to $20 lifetime on the Patreon, you will be included in the pile of incapacitated bodies at the end of the brawl. If you have pledged $21-$50, you will either throw a blow or receive a blow from another shareholder. From $51-$100, you will either throw a blow or a receive a blow from another shareholder, but with a random accessory. From $101-$200, you will get a sentence of your own with much more detail about your character before you engage in violence with another shareholder. Those details may be drawn from a hat. Above $200 lifetime pledge, I’ll get in touch about some further customization options. To qualify, you have to have made at least one pledge before November 1st, which is not long from now, and you must be a current patron. If your lifetime pledge is borderline and you’ve made some purchases from the store before, or supported the Kickstarter, send me an email and we might be able to bump you up. We didn’t really get close to the 200 patron goal, but I still want to reward you for being such loyal supporters.
And we’re looking at doing a live show in December here in Phoenix, Arizona, United States, Earth. If you’re going to be in town, keep your ears open. It will be a ticketed event and 21+, but it should be a great time.
And we are getting close to that $800 level on Patreon. That’s the level where I will do a live, improvised episode on the YouTube Channel, using suggestions carefully harvested from all of your brains. I would rather not get any huge, short term pledges to get us there, but if this gets you thinking about a smaller sustainable pledge, I’m all about it.
As always, you are the best around. Thank you for listening.