in which the Nudity Festival cum Ultra Nudity Festival cum Dark Mega Nudity Festival is recapped, preparations are made for the Festival of Innovation, the renegade sex toy had drawn a following, the second Shareholders’ Brawl is recapped, Kimmie and Maggie share a strained greeting, shit gets regal, and Dimple Deblinski “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. […]
in which you feel a pinch on your ear, the Water and Earth Festivals are recapped, preparations are made to get really hairy everywhere, Wyoming becomes more promiscuous, you beg for some vitamin D, Corin finds a board game he’s been missing, and Anaya Namaya “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Transcription:
in which nothing bad happens, Kakos Industries takes a much needed break, you answer a phone call, we hear about some tubers, Corin rides a rollercoaster, we prepare to look deep underwater and deep within ourselves, something regal happens, Corin talks like a pirate, and Molly Bloomth “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Transcription: