
44 – Pseudo-Dilation

in which Corin is STILL a captive, Black Friday is recapped, preparations are made for the Festival of Cloud Watching, Corin negotiates for the release of some captives, some really weird details come to light, and Benny The Pussy Master “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Transcription:


43 – Bondage

in which Corin is restrained, you smell something burning, the festival of Anti-Celebration begins, preparations are made for Black Friday, progress is made with Kakos Tower, there is news about delicacies coming from Hell, and Kareem Tompkins “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Transcription:


42 – Laughter

in which your trip has not yet ended, Corin’s pain is hilarious, the Halloween celebration is recapped, preparations are made for the Festival of Anti-Celebration, the renegade sex toy is making progress, another floor of Kakos Tower is reclaimed, and Jeffrey Bannerjee “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Transcription:


41 – Aftermath

in which Kakos Industries gets reorganized, you get a new car stereo, the Celebration of Books is recapped, preparations for Halloween are made, Melantha and Corin share a mysterious moment, Yipdoodie no longer exists, Hell gets a hand, and Paul Rathjen “wins”the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Transcription:


40 – Celebratory

in which a mysterious festival occurs, Corin takes a less hands-on approach to management, the Festival of Somnambulation is recapped, preparations are made of the Celebration of Books, Belladonnica is still missing, Kimmie and Maggie dry out another floor of Kakos Tower, the new sex toy digs deeper, Dr. Dunkelwissen steals some hair and spit, […]


39 – Dark Auras

in which Corin is having a bad day, you upset a large portion of toads worldwide, the Festival of Fertility is recapped, the Festival of Misery is also recapped, the Festival of Somnambulation is introduced, something is salvaged from Kakos Tower, the Division of Sexual Experimentation has news, you taste something strange, everything goes quiet, […]


38 – The Glimmer of Hope Principle

in which Soundman Steven is rewarded for his sacrifices, the Festival of the Dance is wrapped up neatly for a change, preparations are made for the Festival of Fertility and a new festival, DMB is still MIA, Denny still exists, Paul Tubb puts his pants back on, the Division of Sexual Experimentation is about to […]