Not Cover Story 1.5

Thank you for your messages.
Hi, there. I meant to get another one of these not cover stories up much sooner, and I’ve got a couple that I’m working on, but I wanted to take this time to respond to the last one separately.
Let me begin by saying that all of the emails, messages on social media, messages on Discord, and everything else that people have sent me recently were really overwhelming. I am thankful for all of your personal stories. I found that I lack the correct skills to know exactly how to respond to you. It is difficult to know what to say when someone tells you that they share your experiences of aimlessness, of treatment resistance, or any other difficulties. To say that I’m happy that what I said reached you is incorrect. I would be happier if you had no idea what I was talking about. I am happy that what I said seemed to help some of you all the same. I did my best to respond to each of the messages, and I will continue to do so. I will ask for your understanding if my response leaves something to be desired, and I would like to make sure that all of you know that your messages are never unwelcome. I am grateful to hear from you. I am grateful to begin conversations with you. I am grateful to know you.
Thank you for listening.