CS54 – Quarantine

Hello, Kakos Industries Shareholders. My name is Conrad Miszuk, and if you believe the cover story, then I am the creator of Kakos Industries. If you don’t believe the cover story, then perhaps you don’t yet have enough toilet paper and you should buy more.
I hope that all of you are doing well and weathering the storm of this pandemic in relative safety. Things have definitely gotten a bit strange as of late, but I know that we are strong and I know that we will all work together to get back on our feet when this is all over.
If you’re looking for some things to fill the hours while you’re working from home, or not working at home, then might I suggest The Never Rad Miscellany? You can find links to subscribe to the big podcast aggregators at n-e-v-e-r-r-a-d dot com slash subscribe. Based on the stats I have at my disposal, around 5% of you who listen to Kakos Industries have actually listened to an episode of The Never Rad Miscellany. While I’m not your supervisor and as such I can’t tell you what to do, let me just say that everything over there is certified by me to be 100% to your liking. We’re not quite popular enough yet to search for us by Never Rad alone. You do have to type miscellany. It’s m-i-s-c-e-l-l-a-n-y in case you need some help. Yeah, I know, I picked a five dollar word to put in the title. What can I say. I’m pretentious. But the more of you who subscribe, the easier it will be for people to find us.
One of the great things about The Never Rad Miscellany is that you can also watch the live shows on YouTube. N-e-v-e-r-r-a-d dot com slash y-o-u-t-u-b-e will get you right there. That’s every episode of the show in visual format while you’ve got some time to kill. Watch us say the words. It’s great. We really need those subscriber numbers.
I’ve also been doing some video game streaming. You can find me at twitch.tv/streamraddy, that’s s-t-r-e-a-m-r-a-d-d-y. You can also search for Stream Raddy on YouTube to find some of the videos.
For Kakos Industries Patreon Patrons, I’ve just released a leaked document that is a meditation tape in the style of the Festival of Darkness. It’s available at the $5 pledge level, but I am considering doing some more of these kinds of things for free on the Internet. So keep an eye out for that. We could all use some extra peace right now.
I would also like to shout out Brimstone Valley Mall, created by Kristen DiMercurio, friend of Kakos Industries and voice of Dorothea of Evilon. It’s great and you should check it out!
Thank you for being the greatest listeners ever. Stay safe and take care of each other.