Europe 2024

I’ll be in Europe end of August to Early October. Get in touch if you want to see me!
Hello, everyone. Conrad again. If you believe the cover story, then I am the creator of Kakos Industries, which is a work of fiction. If you don’t believe the cover story, then the tin foil is actually working this time.
I am going to be heading to Europe starting at the end of August 2024 through mid October 2024. This is a fairly long trip this time around. My plan is to spend some time with friends in the UK before and during the London Podcast Festival. After that, I’d like to see some parts of mainland Europe that I haven’t seen before. This is part work and part vacation.
If you are in the UK, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, The Czech Republic, or Italy, and you would be interested in a meetup, or showing me around your town, I would be most appreciative if you would get in touch. If you’re not in one of those countries, but you really think I should come see your country instead, also get in touch. You can email me at or hop into the Discord.
I promise I’m not as weird as the podcast would lead you to believe. I’m sorry if that piece of information is more disappointing than it is comforting.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to this trip, I think, and I would love to see you if you’re in the area.