Cover Story 15

We made our #fanfucktion goal! Also, Conrad appears on the new episode of Ars Paradoxica (!
Hello, Kakos Industries Shareholders! My name is Conrad Miszuk, and if you believe the cover story, then I am the creator of Kakos Industries.
Thanks to your generosity, we made our #FanFucktion goal of $400 for this month on Patreon! That means that we’re making a video of me reading your erotic Kakos Industries fan fiction. We’re going to get started on that soon. We’ll let you know when the video is up! If you haven’t had a chance to check out our Patreon yet, then please head to This project takes up a lot of time and effort. If you like what you’re hearing and you want to help secure the future of the project, pledge today. We have a variety of pledge levels, each offering different rewards. You can get some extra leaked documents from Kakos Industries. You can tune into a video call with me each month. You can also get your name into the show and become cannon. Even chipping in a dollar a month is enough to help us keep going.
Also, I make a small appearance in the new episode of Ars Paradoxica, Episode 14 – Anchor. You can find it by heading over to
Thank you again for being the best fans anyone could ask for. Now back to your regularly scheduled announcements.