Hi, there. This is the page for the various Kakos Industries registries and wishlists.
If you want to support us by purchasing gear, you can find a lot of stuff on our Amazon wishlist here: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3RSIFIGV3G2G9?ref_=wl_share
Not everything on that list is critical to production, but many of the things will help.
You can also help Conrad to build a new computer both for production of the podcasts and for video game streaming here: https://secure.newegg.com/Wishlist/SharedWishlistDetail?ID=XEU0KPnGlT2tCTJQVm8mXw%3d%3d (please note a lot of these pieces have been selected specifically for their compatibility with MacOs).
If you have any other suggestions, ideas, or questions, you can share them by emailing inquiries@kakosindustries.com.